Porch Placemaking 2021: Local actions by a global community.
Porch Placemaking to date has seen 265 projects across 26 countries. We’ve garnered 774 Facebook likes and 295 group members. By our rough calculations, if each project touched 20 people, that’s at least 5,830 smiles on faces.
During 2020, in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the first Porch Placemaking Week was launched. The week is a grassroots, global initiative to encourage neighbours to connect in safe ways during the lockdown. Over the past two years, 265 projects across 26 countries have taken place. The projects have taken the form of creative and engaging installations and events from porches, verandas, front yards and windows.
In 2021, the project was repeated in collaboration with 33 project partners who helped bring the project to life. This year the top three small-scale project themes were craft, greening and discussion. Many of the craft projects involved decorating spaces or creating Spoonvilles and fairy gardens. The greening projects included rewilding, citizen science and gardening. Discussion projects saw casual gatherings, virtual coffee chats, a community festival and an interactive BYO rock installation to rate your mood.
There were so many fantastic projects this year - it warmed our hearts to see how your actions could have big impacts in local neighbourhoods. Some projects were small-scale and child-friendly, such as Mexico City’s repurposing of sidewalks for a playful and artistic outdoor exhibition. Others engaged with the built environment community. In Bangladesh, planners gathered to discuss how they could promote architecturally appealing and walkable urban form while also respecting significant historic identity, image, and integrity to constantly improve the quality of life for those visiting, working, and living in the City. We even saw a neighbourhood in Sydney create a collaborative Spotify playlist: “Manly Porch Sessions: By the people, for the people”.
So what’s in store for Porch Placemaking Week 2022? Porch placemaking is what you want to make it, so get in touch with your big idea for 2022. We’re looking to support our global partners even further to find local advocates who can spread the word in their communities. Reach out if you have any feedback, questions or ideas, we'd love to connect!